Six widows demand compensation for the death of their husbands, who were killed during a worker's strike. The women are arrested and taken to the...
In 1475 when Stephen the Great, ruler of Moldavia is facing an invading Ottoman army of 120 000 men, the fate of Christian Europe largely depends on...
Stephen the Great: Vaslui 1475
A breathtaking story in which a woman goes in search of her husband.
The Axe
Young Filip tries to figure out how to live in a world full of compromise and corruption.
Filip the Kind
A movie about miner strikes in 1292 Jiu Valley. It is made from re-cutting and combining two previous movies, "Lupeni '29" and "Golgota", that were...
A World Wihout Sky
A psychological movie about the life of three sisters in a Romanian village.
A Night Long Love