The story begins at the end of the first Kako movie. The survivors meet up with a group of other barricaded survivors and must take care of the...
Evil - In the Time of Heroes
The film follows the parallel and entwining stories as well as the common fates of some very different young people for 24 hours in the summertime:...
Seven years after the incident in Pitta, all from the group leaves the Aegean, and get's to shore... Stavrakomathiakakis - after the mysterious...
Loufa kai parallagi: Seirines sti steria
Γάμος Στο Περιθώριο
Antonis always goes by train. He is in a rush to make it on time. His recent past keeps catching up on him. Reality does not allow him to escape the...
N' Me for Myself
As Georgios Vizneyos, one of Greece's greatest authors, degenerates in an Athens mental asylum, the tale of another story-teller, his grandfather,...
The Only Journey of His Life