Mayu (Shunka Ayami) lives with her husband, an office worker, and her father-in-law, who has dementia. Ikushima (single), who lives in the apartment...
Married Woman Schrodinger's Woman
A brilliant doctor on a quest for revenge buys a young woman and trains her to be the ultimate assassin, implanting gun parts in her body that she...
Gun Woman
The lifelong friendship between Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker is put to the ultimate test when the two ace fighter pilots become entangled in a love...
Pearl Harbor
When a mysterious loner and Karate master Kenji's little sister goes missing in Los Angeles, whoever stands in his way of finding her will face the...
Karate Kill
A blind man seeks revenge against the psychopath who took away his sight and slaughtered his wife and daughter. Eight years after the massacre, the...
Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf
Oba Kamon runs a cafe in the Nikko city. One day, a mysterious woman appears before him and leaves behind a message, “In the ring where the sun...
Nikko Story