Rena and Yuko, the two sexually-adventurous high school girl friends from Pink Tush Girl (1978) get part-time jobs at a hostess bar in order to earn...
Pink Tush Girl: Love Attack
An adventurous young boy named Jack climbs a giant beanstalk to a magical kingdom governed by a greedy, tyrannical giant.
Jack and the Beanstalk
A small, out-of-the-way izakaya in Tokyo has become the favorite hangout of people searching for nourishment for their bodies and their souls. The...
Izakaya Moheji 4
The Extravagant Cops
Yuko's boyfriend dumps her just after they have her first sexual experience, so she runs away from her Tokyo home to the western coast of Japan in...
Pink Tush Girl
Two high school girls graduate and one of them goes off to a rural town to join an underground dance troupe. The other decides to visit and she stays...
Pink Tush Girl: Proposal Strategy