Directed by Bolaji Tijani-Qudus. Rendezvous is about urban dwellers who congregate at a local bar and the surprising details of their lives are...
A journey into the lives of a seemingly perfect family reveals a complicated past where the music of life collides with family, the church, and being...
The Rapture
Demonic entities haunt Tina Tanaka after she decides to pursue uncovering the case of the masked-killer who had claimed the lives of school-children...
Dead End
In 2017, in the wake of the newly-elected President Trump's mysterious tragic fall from the balcony of Trump Tower, Barack Obama declares himself...
Obamaland Part 1: Rise of the Trumpublikans
In a small rural town hit hard by the Depression, Katie Connors resides in a middle-class home with her bootlegging husband Melvin. When the...
Black Cat Whiskey
Businessmen Oliver Darcy and Brian Douglas have been quietly embezzling money from their employers for months. When Oliver's daughter is mysteriously...
Money for Angels
All family secrets have a price, and a due date, and for this family of estranged sisters, the date is now.
Her Leather Coat
Four boys, now men, still live in their neighborhood. The community has transformed and what remains is the "hood." Each man negotiates his way...
Straight Outta Oakland