A penniless poet, a young seamstress, and a lost key: Puccinis passionate opera tells the story of a captivating romance set against the background...
La bohème - ROH
In its most ambitious effort yet to bring the joy and artistry of opera to audiences everywhere during the Met’s closure, the company presented...
Metropolitan Opera At Home Gala
What is this flame that compels Don Giovanni to seduce, subjugate and conquer women one after the other, with the fervour and cold indifference of a...
Don Giovanni - Palais Garnier - from June 8 to July 13, 2019
Puccini’s passionate opera is conducted by Antonio Pappano and stars a superb young cast including Nicole Car, Michael Fabiano and Mariusz...
Royal Opera House: La Bohème
No one better described the half-starved, struggling artists than Murger in his Scènes de la Vie de Bohème: artists ready to burn a...
Puccini: La Bohème