Sister Italy is a heartfelt, hilarious, culinary escapade that follows the fortunes of two Italian-American sisters, Italia and Maria, who are rival...
Sister Italy
Daniel Jakor is one of the most prolific and successful artists the world has never heard of. Struggling to sell his own art, he soon finds his true...
The autobiography of a Somalian nomad who was sold in marriage at 13, fled from Africa a while later to become finally an American supermodel and is...
Desert Flower
Did Adolf Hitler survive WWII and live on under an assumed identity? Norwegian researcher Skule Antonsen sides with Spanish documentary filmmaker...
One hundred years of evil
A tragic tale of an individual teen prostitute as seen from the lens of her Buddhist neighbor.
A 47-year-old, growth hormone deficient man gets mistaken for a new kid at his nephew's high school.
The Old Man and the Seymour
Raised in an insular Polish immigrant neighborhood in Brooklyn where he's destined to become a poor baker like his father, Kaz Malek attempts to...
Invitation to a Suicide