Set in 2022, NOISE follows a young man as he quickly becomes engulfed by notifications from work, life, and anything else that is downloaded on his...
High school graduation doesn't come around often. Not only is it a day of celebration, but also a day of tears and apprehension. Milestone No. 1...
Milestone No. 1
On a gorgeous Delaware night, a young photographer grabs his photography gear and sets out to capture the perfect sunset photo. His journey for the...
The Woods
The night began like any other. Dinner with the family and mountains of homework. That is until one text message changes the entire night for the...
Now, I Know What You’re Thinking
A documentary showcasing a family as they pack up their home of twelve years and begin looking towards the future.
Milestone No. 2
After spending a few months in quarantine, a young filmmaker struggles to find inspiration.
What to Film...