In the summer of 1993, a group of Bosnian refugees flee to Sweden due to the war in Bosnia. The Swedish Red Cross places refugees in a pavilion for...
My Mother's Swedish Heart
A 2009 Bosnian language drama film.
To You, Too...
The story of a boy from the orphanage for abandoned children who tried to find out the truth about his origins. Through the story of a boy Alen, it...
The Abandoned
Zeko, a barber and ex-soldier suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, invites his brother Braco and his friend Švabo to Eid...
The Frog
Our story takes place at the end of the 1960s. This is the time of the collapse of the ideals of a more just and honorable life brought into...
Drama set in a small provincial town in post-war Croatia about 20 locals who try to understand why one of their neighbors killed himself.
Dead Fish
A story about suicidal general, a minister in the Croatian government who voluntarily locks himself inside a prison cell, and 4 pensioners, who steal...
What a Country!