The film tells the story of a faithful wife, Arlisa (Nora Danish), whose blissful life is shattered when her husband Johan (Adi Putra) is involved in...
Aku Terima Nikahnya
It was love at first sight when Johari, a Casanova and former “Mat Rempit”, meets Zizie, a hijabster known for her cold attitude towards...
Mat Tudung
Cinderella tells Nurul, 22-year-old village girl, lives with her stepmother, Aenon and his half sister, Farah and his half brother, Zamil. One...
Cinderella 2013
Jebat (Sharnaaz Ahmad) is a former gangster leader who migrated and wants to start a new life as a fish farmer. Hannah Mastura (Nelydia Senrose) is a...