Socially awkward teenager Ryan discovers that the night his sister disappeared, she had played 'The Elevator Game' — a ritual conducted in an...
Elevator Game
In a small Midwestern town, a deadly annual ritual unfolds when the mythical nightmare, Sawtooth Jack, rises from the cornfields and challenges the...
Dark Harvest
A biopic of writer Truman Capote and his assignment for The New Yorker to write the non-fiction book "In Cold Blood".
Confronted by odd directive from her late husband's estate, Helena Grayson is inspired to reawaken a long-buried desire to write. When she's...
Into Invisible Light
Winner is a brilliant young misfit from Texas who finds her morals challenged while serving in the U.S. Air Force and working as an NSA contractor. A...
Liam wakes from a car crash with no memory of who he is. As he makes his way into town to look for help, he finds only dead bodies, all with strange...
Lucas, a diamond trader who travels to Saint Petersburg to arrange a sale, discovers that his Russian business partner has left his hotel and gone to...
A dark historical drama about two sisters, the man that comes between them, and the tragedy that results. Set in the 1870s.
Black Field