Safe House is the story of a struggle for survival in an unfamiliar and threatening world, based on the true life experience of a woman in the early...
Safe House
Jemaine Clement (pre-Flight of the Conchords fame) is the young man who faces up to a sentient soda machine in this short from Jason Stutter.
Based on the Pike River tragedy of 2010, this drama captures the profound impact of one of the worst mining disasters in New Zealand's history.
Pike River
The Tongan Ninja is dispatched to the island nation of New Zealand in order to help a brother of his master with his floundering Chinese restaurant....
Tongan Ninja
How the tragic death of one man triggered a David and Goliath battle between two Allies that echoed around the world and became the catalyst to end...
When the divorced parents of 8-year-old Jacob insist on dressing him in ridiculous clothes to spite each other, he resorts to desperate fashion...
I'm Going to Mum's
In an ancient world a warrior and his son are on a quest get a wish from a magic dragon, to fix the son’s stammer but the forest conspires the...
The Dragon's Scale