A short sequel to Godzilla Appears at Godzilla Fest, released on G-Fest 2021 and dedicated to the 50th anniversary of original Godzilla vs. Hedorah...
Godzilla vs. Hedorah
Godzilla attacks Tokyo, in a last-ditch effort to end the carnage, scientists enlist the help of Jet Jaguar, a mechanical guardian. Will Jet Jaguar...
Godzilla Fest 4: Operation Jet Jaguar
Some time after Godzilla's battle with Hedorah, a new threat emerges. Gigan, a cyborg dinosaur from the outer space, confronts Godzilla while trying...
Fesu Gojira 3: Gaigan Raishū
Godzilla attacks the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, smashing a massive hole in the structure, but is intercepted by a modified Super X2...
Godzilla: Attack on Tokyo
A continuation of "Godzilla Fest 4: Operation Jet Jaguar", it's Godzilla and Jet Jaguar vs. a new King Ghidorah!
Godzilla Fest 5: All Monsters Showdown