Based on the novel by Emily Brontë, adapted and directed by Emma Rice. Rescued from the Liverpool docks as a child, Heathcliff is adopted by the...
Wuthering Heights - Bristol Old Vic
A man ahead of his time, Cyrano de Bergerac dazzles whether with ferocious wordplay at a verbal joust or with brilliant swordplay in a duel. But,...
The Old Vic in association with Bristol Old Vic, Jonathan Church Productions & Global Creatures’ present their Olivier Award-winning...
A Monster Calls
Smack bang in the middle of nowhere (or was it somewhere on the legendary Route 66?) two women are thrown together by chance. Stranded tourist Jasmin...
Bagdad Cafe
A young father hold on reality crumbles following his wife’s death as a strange presence begins to stalk him from the shadowy recesses of the...
The Thing With Feathers