In this first volume of a horror documentary series in which Junji Inagawa examines psychic phenomena, the Aso Kanko Hotel, which closed in 2000, is...
Junji Inagawa - Terrifying Sites Final Chapter: Forbidden Land Forever and Eternally VOL.1
This is the second volume of the horror documentary series in which Junji Inagawa examines psychic phenomena. Sky Rest New Muroto is located at the...
Junji Inagawa - Terrifying Sites Final Chapter: Forbidden Land Forever and Eternally VOL.2
Junji Inagawa examines psychic phenomena in this horror documentary series. Volume 1 is the "Izumi," a haunted abandoned cafe on Miyako Island,...
Junji Inagawa - Terrifying Sites Final Chapter Part 2: The Beginning of the End Vol.1
Junji Inagawa examines psychic phenomena in this horror documentary series. The second volume is "A haunted house in a certain place in Saga...
Junji Inagawa - Terrifying Sites Final Chapter Part 2: The Beginning of the End Vol.2