Itsuka Matsuzaki (Ogura) walks through the night town dragging a metal bat Yuna). When she passed Sachiko Tsukishima (Touko Namiki) who was walking...
Nureta aijô: Fushidara ni atatamete
Aki is an unsuccessful 29-year-old actress who eventually became a magician's assistant. While pretending to be hypnotised on the stage, Aki finds...
The Limit of Sleeping Beauty
Adapted from the manga series "Ore to Sex Sureba Ureru" (俺とSEXすれば売れる) by Kaho...
You Can Sell if You Have Sex With Me
In order to support her son, single-mother works at a bar that operates an undisclosed adult entertainment business. One day, Ishioka Kazuya comes...
Stay With Me Till The Dawn