The youth of Anita Garibaldi, portrayed in her humanity, with the simple life of an ordinary and very poor citizen. From a young age, the girl...
In 2165, Michele's kidnapping puts the city-state Porto 01, the last stronghold of human civilization, in a state of war. The problem is that to save...
Tales of Tomorrow
During the International day, a fifth-grade class starts a small revolution in the school rules.
International Day
The film tells the story of a man who was born in 1959 and died in 2070, told by people who knew him and somehow contributed to his trajectory.
A reporter goes out to investigate a suicide.
O Resto é Silêncio
A woman and a man had their first night together. But what they both want may not be the same.
Luz Natural
Aventuras no Carnaval (ou Labirintos do Inconsciente)