The film revolves around the lives of three young women; Hayat, So'aad, and Samira, who work as flight attendants as they struggle with problems both...
Love Above the Clouds
The widowed lawyer Ref'at neglects his children for his work. As he delegates their care to the nanny Laila, she befriends the children and gets...
Love... Sweeter Than Love
مسرحية عائلة الاناضولي
The lives of a group of girls who depart from the strict world of school to the open world of college
College Girls
Hamido's Return
Naima escapes from her stepfather's house, and works in Sherazade's nightclub who gives her the artistic name 'Layal' and she becomes a famous...
Fardous is in prison for stealing a watch. She shares a cell with Samia, who works in a show band and is wrongly arrested in a brothel and Mona who ...
Legs In Mud
The famous singer Hoda gets romantically involved with Samy Karam, the chief editor of a magazine, and everyone opposes their relationship as he is a...
Tears Run Dry
Set in Aswan where Samy travels with his wife Samia, he gets preoccupied with his job that he grows negligent of her. Leading an idle life, Samia...
Beyond Love
When his mother requests that he avenges his father by claiming back his right from the tyrant thug Dagher, Awad embarks on a long journey that...
The Bakery