This is inspiring tale revolves around a youngster from a poor family who makes all efforts to win the prestigious 'Maharashtra Kesari' Wrestling...
Kesari (Saffron)
The story of Life in Dark is about the crime taking place in the remand home where the small survivors after committing the crime try to complete...
Life in Dark
The film revolves around Mr. Shastri, a retired Sanskrit professor who in due course suffers with Alzheimer's goes missing while travelling with his...
Astu - So Be It
A story about four children living in a Mumbai slum in India. An eight-year old Kanhu writes a letter to the Prime Minister after a dramatic incident...
My Dear Prime Minister
A terrorist attempts to plant a plush toy Ganesh containing a bomb in a temple, but it is stolen by a stubborn child and a race against time begins...
Vakratunda Mahakaaya
The film follows the lives of two families, one living in a Mumbai slum and the other in a luxurious high-rise, whose paths intertwine unexpectedly....