The story revolves around Dr. Mahmoud, who has a doctorate and earns less than the company's courier, Dr. Mahmoud decides to work as a courier to...
Sayidati Anisati
The story of Egyptian displaced family from Ismailia after the 1967 war. Hema (Mohamed Fouad) dreams of becoming famous singer and continues the...
Round Trip to Ismailia
Madiha, after filing a lawsuit against her gambler husband, and after he stole his jewelry to spend on the tables, meets the owner of a computer...
El Motaleqat Wil Zeaab
A police officer and a prosecutor investigate a murder case involving high-ranked businessmen in Alexandria.
Bab Sharq
The story revolves around Imad (Balia), who works as a mechanic in a poor neighborhood. He falls in love with a rich girl named (Donia), whose car he...
Belia We Demagho El Aliaa