Dondog, a young man who grew up on a horse mane, becomes a cowherd after being reprimanded by the management for killing his horse in a race with a...
Wish I Had a Horse
In 1928, when scientific hospitals were introduced to Mongolia, the Russian female doctors who came to rural areas and the famous local maarambas...
The Awakening
This film revolves around Choghtu Khong Tayiji, a 17th century Mongolian prince who waged a campaign of independence against Tibetan and Manchu...
Mighty Prince
Darbazar, who was carrying a secret letter to General Sukhbaatar about how ordinary herdsmen participated in the People's Revolution of 1921, fell...
A Messenger of the People
The work tells about the difficulties encountered in the lives of young people who went on a campaign to acquire vast land, and how they overcome...
Khukhuu Almost Gets Married