romantic comedy that tells the tale of Nani, a bubbly 21-year old girl, and her unique pet turtle, Nico. Nico is one of the rare Green Crown Sea...
Cinta Kura-Kura
A story of three brothers who found an ancient historic journal, a family heirloom, which narrates their family tree from the Stone Age till the...
Aku Kaya The Movie
3 friends enters a competition to catch a buffalo and the heart of a woman.
Bujang Lapuk Lawan Koboi Kobau
It was love at first sight when Johari, a Casanova and former “Mat Rempit”, meets Zizie, a hijabster known for her cold attitude towards...
Mat Tudung
The evil Professor Klon is back… This time, not only to overthrow the Government and become the President of Metrofulus, but also to control...
Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam
This time around, the gang - Azlee, Mazlan and Wahid go for a vacation to an island resort. Upon their arrival, they discover that the resort isn't...
Senario The Movie Episode 2: Beach Boys