Elizabeth is a transsexual woman who finds herself exhausted from enduring the prejudiced pressures of her mother Morgana, a megalomaniac widow who...
Orgulho e Preconceito
After a painful loss, Anália fondly remembers her grandson when she finds a childhood toy again.
Alexandre, 30, virtual sex professional, father of Ana Laura 7 years old, has to cope with the moral conflict between the oldest profession in the...
Encruzilhada Bar
Ciana and Zefinha have always lived for each other. Surviving is a daily challenge and knowing how to forgive without remembering the past will be...
Ainda Que Eu Ande Pelo Vale da Sombra da Morte
Guilherme is 11 years old and finds a way to deal with life's adversities in friends and games.
Dias Felizes
Bianca, a public school teacher, decides to renovate her house after receiving the news that her daughter is coming home.
Em Reforma