The film, based on a Jean Stelli sroty, tells the adventures of a lieutenant of marines and the mystery of the ship explosion caused by a spy network.
Angels are My Witnesses
A love story
Miras Uğrunda
Yaprak Dökümü
Seeking justice of a man who went to jail after his friends blamed him.
İntikam Alevi
Man From Hell
A film adaptation of André Gide's book The Pastoral Symphony.
You Were the One I Loved
Two brothers fall in love with the same girl and a rivalry develops between them.
They Paid with Their Blood
Ateş Rıza
İzmir Ateşler İçinde
Directed by Memduh Ün
The Broken Pots
Ateş Bacayı Sardı
Vahşi İntikam
The Death Curtain
Hicran Yarası