In the near future, the President of the United States hires a team of mercenaries to retrieve an alien bio-weapon from a top secret research...
Half Dead,is the story of a gangster named Angel who steals from his boss Vince. Angel runs off with Vince's sister and pays the price with his life....
Half Dead
Based on the hit interactive play (premiered in 2015). The first-ever wedding between a Human Bride and a Zombie Groom. The human guests need to...
The Zombie Wedding
A young couple deliberately moves into a haunted house to contact the other side. Until their conduit, a painted black mirror proves to contain a...
When Mitch decides to take his virgin girl friend Sarah away for Christmas, her friends tag along. What was suppose to be a weekend of fun, turned...
Savage Christmas
Frank Pierce leads a seemingly normal life, but when a disturbing past reemerges & something precious is taken from him, his mask of sanity loosens &...
Bad Frank
Raphael, a young executive who is on the verge of losing a multimillion dollar architectural deal with a large distribution company lead by the...
A Grim Becoming
The story of Stan, an orphaned teenager stuck living with his abusive grandfather and tasked with routinely protecting his best friend from high...
The Shed