"A Miami Tail" is a contemporary version of Lysistrata, a classic Greek comedy by Aristophanes. "A Miami Tail" has Alicia (Trina) leading the women...
A Miami Tail
Follow the Queen Bee Lil' Kim in the experience of a lifetime as she makes her way around the country on her highly anticipated and well received...
Return of the Queen Tour
When a serial killer named The Businessman strikes in his town, a young man is forced to take action.
The Businessman
A DVD Bootleg Pirate enlists a group of misfits who set out on an adventure to sell enough bootleg movies to make the perfect film they believe will...
American Pirates
If your ultimate dream was so close you could taste it, how far would you go to achieve it? How much would you risk? What price would you pay? And...
The Brewster Project
"My Brother" is an inner city story of two impoverished boys, Isaiah and James. James is developmentally disabled. Their mother, L'Tisha, finds...
My Brother
Tommy, a talented Puerto Rican painter living in the South Bronx, befriends Allen, a white kid who's faced constant harassment since moving to the...
Boricua's Bond