After his father faces financial struggles, 12-year-old Max is forced to shut down the pawn shop he operates from his garage and move to a small...
Coco Farm
In 1963, the Faubourg district in M'lasse was destroyed for the construction of the Radio-Canada tower. A photographer was then hired to immortalize...
Au pied du mur
Aurelie Laflamme feels alone in the world, especially since her father's death five years ago. What if her father had been an alien who left Earth to...
Aurélie Laflamme's Diary
A dramatic comedy that invites us to an eventful reunion between three high school friends. As the evening progresses, the young thirtysomethings...
Lines of Escape
A bumbling man finds adventure in the media world.
Elvis Gratton 3: Le retour d'Elvis Wong
A French chef in search of fame tries to help the young Lili-Beth win a culinary competition. But to do so he must contend with the hostility of an...
All Stirred Up!