The story is set in 1962, the time of Sino-India war. It revolves around a widowed teacher named Ritu who is transferred to Koronga, a small Assamese...
The story revolves around a wealthy businessman who opts for a second marriage. This decision creates a huge shock and anger for his first wife and...
A grieving ailing father, dealing with psychological disorders, finds it difficult to move on from the trauma of losing his son in a bomb blast;...
Konikar Ramdhenu is an Assamese language film directed by Jahnu Barua. It was released in 2003. The film was shown in Indian Panorama section of IFFI...
Konikar Ramdhenu
Life was as usual for Hitesh and Manorama Kakati, a retired couple living in a small hamlet in the state of Assam in India, when a few circles on the...