Fouad, a 15-year-old Moroccan immigrant, and Max, a 27-year-old "old stock" Quebecer, both live frustrating lives. Their respective destinies lead...
The Movie is a kind of tale, a look at a not so distant past that will allow everyone to make a judgment on the behavior of all the actors of this...
Yesterday's Friends
Nadia, a medical student from a wealthy family, who is the victim of a deviant man named Hamza, whom she has known through the Internet, finds...
Toile d'Araignée
After the death of her husband Amghar, killed by the settlers, Tamghart resists the maneuvers of the traitor Hammou who quietly negotiates, despite...
A Moroccan drama film that tells the story of a company manager, who helps a girl one night, but she dies in his car and he is accused of killing...
Maité goes to the city of Laayoune where Dahmane is waiting for het to produce a documentary program about the Moroccan Sahara. the reality...
A young architect who lives in Paris, returns to his hometown Fès in Morocco to find answers to his painful childhood. His old Sufi master Ba...
Burned Hearts
A young delinquent who has just come out of prison finds himself put to a difficult mission: to track a relative of an ex-detainee who lost his...
Memory in Detention
Following an unpunished crime, a village of fishermen in northern Morocco is rising up around Simo against the local drug boss.
The Scent of the Sea
The film tells about the Moroccan past in its black section in the years of lead, the experience of the left in Morocco, and the wave of arrests at...
Taif Nizar