Set in Paris the story follows Lisa, who, while on vacation with her husband, rekindles a passionate affair with her ex-boyfriend. But that may lead...
Tom, 11 years old, lives in a trailer home on the edge of the woods with Joss, his young mother. The two of them support each other and show...
Little Man Tom
When a notorious gang of bikers recruits her brother for a heist, a former motocross champion must face her deepest fears to keep her family safe.
The story revolves around Pierre who is 13 years old when he loses his mother. He’s a shy boy who lives only for his passion: skateboarding....
In November 2009, French security van driver Toni Musulin makes off with nearly 12 million euros, then turns himself over to the authorities a week...
Michael Mason is an American pickpocket living in Paris who finds himself hunted by the CIA when he steals a bag that contains more than just a...
Bastille Day
Sentenced to six years in prison, Malik El Djebena is alone in the world and can neither read nor write. On his arrival at the prison, he seems...
A Prophet
In a region that was once the flagship of the mining industry, two long-term unemployed men come up with the idea of building an "artisanal"...
Mine de rien