The events of the play decided about King Lear, who decided to distribute his possessions to his three daughters, and because his youngest daughter...
King Lear
Heba is a TV presenter interested in broadcasting stories that touch on the everyday secret lives of women and the social injustices they face. Her...
Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story
Within a social dramatic framework, the events of the series revolve around a group of people who have several intertwined human relationships. It...
The club of broken hearts
After his fiancée leaves him, a young man tries to find himself by starting a Café Karaoke project.
Three women seek justice due to the difficult daily situation which sexual harassment causes in the streets of Cairo, Egypt.
Cairo 6,7,8
The film revolves around a man who can spend all of his life in a difficult life by lying and cheating. He is connected to a girl who seeks to marry...
A series of comedic sketches that express the disappearance of the beautiful and noble meanings in our lives in various fields, presented by...
Black Coffe