The events of the film revolve in one day around Sultan, a veteran criminal who was released from prison. But, he is surprised by the appearance of...
The story follows Sultan, a boxer and trainer who works with his friend Saeed in a sports center. They find themselves in trouble when they stumble...
Sully a lover boy, who escapes his marriage from Farah, to then find himself in love with Mariam but fails to marry her because of a spell. His...
Baed El Shar
Ahmed Wafik is a serious academic researcher in psychology. Aiming to obtain an important promotion, he was compelled to work closely with Rasha, a...
The Yellow Duck
Farid is an elusive individual renowned for his absence rather than his presence. He gained fame through the alias "Mr. Ex," as he became sought...
Mr. Ex
The events revolve around Sayed Gharib and his daughter, who lead a tight gang, and decide to rob a bank. But as things go as planned, they find out...
Karim and Farida want to get married. Worlds collide when families meet. Karim's family is conservative and his parents do not approve of Farida's...
A Toxic Marriage
مسرح مصر
As Ta’oun plots to rob the famous singer Ahlam, he recruits his fiancée and her brother to accompany him to Sharm El-Sheikh to carry out...
Ocean 14
The film revolves around a comedy about a special forces unit being assigned to rescue the Egyptian ambassador to India after he was kidnapped, but...
Inferno in India
The story of the two conjoined brothers, whom are exposed to funny situations, along with their cousin who got involved in their problems.
Hassan and Boklos
The film revolves around Sorour, a businessman who loves a girl called Hannah, but gets involved with a gang and has to run away from them.
The Night of Hana and Sorour