The extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery and transformation into one of America's greatest heroes. Her courage, ingenuity and...
In a town named redemption, reformed gunslinger Keller and mad genius Ben are guided by spiritual leader Jericho towards vindication. While...
The Gunslingers
New school headmaster and single mother Kathy discovers her vacation fling with charming 18-year-old Ian was no accident when he transfers to her...
Sleeping With My Student
Tells the incredible true story of Amberley Snyder, a nationally ranked rodeo barrel racer who defies the odds after barely surviving a car accident...
Walk. Ride. Rodeo.
Michael, who lost his wife a few years back, has been use to being a single dad to his two daughters until his new girlfriend Maddie comes along.
The Wrong Stepmother
Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren encounter what would become one of the most sensational cases from their files. The fight for the...
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
Richard Jewell thinks quick, works fast, and saves hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lives after a domestic terrorist plants several pipe bombs and...
Richard Jewell
A group of friends sneak into an old abandoned house on Halloween night haunted by hungry ghosts.
The Spookies
Charmed by Hollywood's brightest stars, Olivia Bolton agrees to become Ava Von Richter's surrogate. But behind the lies and the dark of Ava and her...
Secret Life of a Celebrity Surrogate
A mystical, ancient dagger causes a notorious serial killer to magically switch bodies with a 17-year-old girl.
Journey through the human experience as the pandemic tests what we are made of both as individuals and as a culture.
After Masks