Electric Love follows a group of 20-somethings as they navigate the dating landscape of modern day L.A. These interconnected stories feature young...
Electric Love
Terrance, a novice theatre actor, asks to stay late after rehearsal to practice his lines onstage. The stage manager agrees but with one rule,...
Don’t Turn Off the Ghost Light
An engaged Hollywood agent receives a mysterious letter for an anonymous sexual encounter and becomes ensnared in a sinister world of lying,...
The Beta Test
Mildly successful podcaster, Damien Booster, is digging his bachelor lifestyle until a frequent hookup confesses her love for him while delivering an...
Philophobia: or the Fear of Falling in Love
Fin is a criminal on the run, wanted for the murder of his boss and the accidental shooting of an officer. He breaks into the home of a high-class...
Benjamin is a young queer millennial actor living in West Hollywood who was once a famous child actor. When a new neighbor Chase moves across the...
Howdy, Neighbor!