A mysterious thief called "Yami no Kiba" (Fang of Darkness), who sneaks into the residences of the shogunate one after another and steals the...
The Shogun's Vault II
The Tokaido highway is crowded with people heading for Shimizu Port with the dream of defeating Jirocho of Shimizu and becoming the strongest in...
In ancient Rome, bathhouse architect Lucius (Hiroshi Abe) becomes famous with designing the original "thermae" (bathhouse). He receives an order to...
Thermae Romae II
The adopted son of an Osaka courier falls in love with a prostitute and, discovering that she is about to be purchased by a client, steals money from...
Chikamatsu's Love in Osaka
Song Festival
Taking place in Shinshu in the 1920s, Tsumakoi Okoma, while traveling to hone her gambling skills, teams up with the vagabond Tsukuba Tsuneji and...
Okoma, the Orphan Gambler
A Thousand Flying Cranes
When the mysterious “Joe of Spades” (Jo Shishido) executes one of the bosses of a powerful syndicate, his colleagues, fearing for their...
Murder Unincorporated
Bad Reputation: Imposter's Paradise
A Laughable Journey
Comedy of a phony doctor.
Price of Life
An entertaining historical drama featuring popular comedians from the Kansai region of the time, such as Makoto Fujita, Minoru Shiraki, and Gannosuke...
The Confusing Journey of Jirocho