Set five years on from the school days of director Stevan Filipovic's previous film Next to Me, a state of emergency exists and politicians are...
Next to You
ZG80 is a prequel of Metastaze. The movie brings back its characters to prewar Yugoslavia where they, as part of Bad Blue Boys, go on a football...
A young girl, naked on the table, for waxing, tries to solve the mystery of male-female relations.
The Brazilian
The story of two inseparable friends born on the same day of the same year. As they grow up, their unique, idyllic world—understood only by...
Happy Birthday to Us!
After being attacked by a group of masked hooligans, Olja discovers that some of her students were responsible. She decides to teach them a lesson by...
Next to Me
A story set in the Middle Ages about a warrior knight who survived the historic Battle of Kosovo in 1389. Along the way, he meets a wild boy, all...
The Heroes
It's Saturday night and Mrdja, Piki and Sale want to have a good time. Everything they need is a robbery, a party and a gun.
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