This Oscar-winning short tells of a bull who preferred to sit under trees and smell flowers to clashing horns with his fellow animals. As luck would...
Ferdinand the Bull
A look at the first years of Pixar Animation Studios - from the success of "Toy Story" and Pixar's promotion of talented people, to the building of...
The Pixar Story
By the mid-1980s, the fabled animation studios of Walt Disney had fallen on hard times. The artists were polarized between newcomers hungry to...
Waking Sleeping Beauty
A Story of Dogs
Documentary focusing on the making-of the 1940n adaptation of Pinocchio by the Disney studio, often considered the artistic pinnacle of the Disney...
The Making of 'Pinocchio': No Strings Attached
The making of this classic Disney masterpiece about the life of a young faun. Includes archive footage of Walt Disney and his team of animators.
The Making of Bambi: A Prince is Born
With examples from Disney feature-length films, Walt Disney gives a behind-the-scenes look at the improvements in animation made by his studio's...
Tricks of Our Trade
Film critic Joel Siegel gets together with a group of animators, directors and producers to discuss and pay tribute to their mentors and Walt...
From Walt's Table: A Tribute to Disney's Nine Old Men
This charming collection features 7 classic Disney cartoons from the 30's and 40's. "The Cookie Carnival" The other unrelated christmas short is...
Celebrate Christmas With Mickey, Donald & Friends
Six more animated stories from the Disney studios. 'Three Blind Mousketeers' follows the misadventures of the outrageous trio. In 'Three Little...
Walt Disney's Fables - Vol.5
Walt Disney presents a preview for both his upcoming park called Disneyland and several episodes of the show to come. Then the show focuses primarily...
The Disneyland Story
The making of Cinderella (1950).
From Rags to Riches: The Making of Cinderella
A profile of the acclaimed animator and director Brad Bird featured on the Incredibles 2 Blu-Ray.
Strong Coffee: The Full-Bodied Mind of Pixar’s Brad Bird