Martin, a poor student, volunteers to go on a quest to find a cure for the princess Adriana, who is stricken with a strange illness. Unknown to...
The Ninth Heart
Julie, the youngest daughter of a bankrupt merchant, sacrifices her life in order to save her father. She goes to an enchanted castle in the woods...
Beauty and the Beast
Nechci nic slyšet
Lemuel Gulliver (Lubomír Kostelka) has had a car accident and continues his journey across the unknown countryside on foot. On the road he...
Case for a Rookie Hangman
Družina černého pera
O malíři Adamovi
A first part of a funny adventures of six years old Lucie and her two magic dolls.
Lucy, the Menace of Street
Even in 1970, films were made, prepared in previous years and expressing the poetics of that time. Ivan Renč created an almost protocol parable,...
The Guard
Stage mime Antoine Moreau is compelled by the Gestapo to put on a performance for the children of Terezin, a "model" concentration camp, to convince...
The Last Butterfly
Little Tom Thumb's evil stepmother exploits him amd makes his life very hard, so the little shepherd boy decides to leave home and seek happiness in...
Returning home to Prague, the magician Pasparte, an owner of a circus caravan, meets his dying colleague who entrusts his beautiful daughter Aloisie...
Those Wonderful Movie Cranks