The legendary Fred Halsted serves up a torrid tale of muscular hunks and their deepest desires. Collection of four shorts films: California Lineman...
California Fox
From deep within the COLT Vault emerges this goldmine of films, direct from Rip COLT's personal collection. Among the reels of film and videotape...
Rip Colt's Sex Rated Home Movies 3
Hank and Gene are fired from their trucker jobs at the Kansas City Trucking Company after an alcohol-fueled brawl.
El Paso Wrecking Corp.
Only Cosco could bring you the man of the year. Mike Morris, coverman, former Colt man and the new Mr. CMC in San Francisco. We asked Mike to name...
Desert Fox
Looking for some solid gold all-male action? You'll find it here! Superstud Dan Pace has to get "worked up" for his big strip number and a stack of...
Pieces of Eight
"The Filth and the Fury" is a 4-hour compilation of scenes from some of HIS Studio's gay adult films over the years of 1974-1984: 501 (1982), Alley...
The Filth and the Fury