In the wake of an apocalyptic viral outbreak, Charlie Russell treks through the wilderness to reunite with his girlfriend, Samantha. As...
Dead Weight
The Landlord is the story of Tyler, the unfortunate young proprietor of a demon-haunted apartment building. While finding tenants has never been a...
The Landlord
Jim Carsten's wife Sarah is leaving him. Angry and desperate, he enlists the services of the mysterious Mr. Lake to exact revenge. Unfortunately for...
Trailer for the lost giallo from director Diego Larràz. A wide variety of people are involved in an impenetrable web of murder, seduction,...
A Key of Ice in a Field of Lilacs
When Hanna and Colin find a strange clay figure in the base of a statue, they open themselves to the influence of a dark and angry spirit.
Idol Threats
The tale of two families' tragic struggle for survival after the collapse of civilization.
Last Man After the War
A faux trailer for a 1950s-style haunted house film.
House on Nightmare Lane
"Michael Myers: Absolute Evil" is a fan film in the style of a documentary treating the "Halloween" films from 1978 - 2002 as events that actually...
Michael Myers: Absolute Evil
It was an ordinary day. Until it wasn’t.