Using dramatized re-creations, period imagery and expert commentary, this riveting documentary chronicles the story of Michel de Nostredame -- aka...
Nostradamus: The Story of the Man and His Prophecies
The reign of Richard the Lionheart was one of the most eventful and colourful in England's long history. The third son of Henry II, Richard I devoted...
Richard the Lionheart - Crusader King
The September of 1513 saw King James IV invade England with the largest and most confident army Scotland has yet seen. But within a few short days,...
The Battle of Flodden
The Story of Brandy station, the largest cavalry battle ever fought on American soil. Gettysburg was the turning point of the American Civil War and...
The Battle of Gettysburg
For many Ernest Shackleton is the epitome of a courageous, resolute and determined adventurer, showing tenacity in the harshest of conditions. Like...
The Great Adventurers: Ernest Shackleton
Perhaps best known for his mathematic equations, Pythagoras was much more than simply a mathematician. Discover how this mysterious figure reformed...
Genius: Pythagoras
In eleventh century Scotland, three witches foretell that Macbeth will become King, while Banquo will beget Kings. Macbeth accordingly has King...