Ballet in a prologue and three acts based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas fils; music by Chopin. The passionate tale of Marguerite Gautier and...
Chopin: La Dame Aux Camélias
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first...
La TV des 70's : Quand Giscard était président
The neglected daughter of an industrialist who made his fortune in explosives supplies during the war and of a mother who was mostly concerned with...
La Garçonne
A documentary on the life of the legendary ballet reconstructionist, Pierre Lacotte and his wife and longtime dance partner Ghislaine Thesmar.
A Life for Ballet
Observing in close up the students of the Opéra National de Paris' dance school, who day after day build their future as dancers,...
For a Moment