"Papa, I Love You" tells the story of a single dad, Baha (Zalif Sidek) who is trying to raise his daughter Mia Sara (Mia Sara Nasuha) while willing...
Papa I Love You
Sekali Lagi tells story of Arman (Shaheizy Sam) a man with autism who comes across a little girl, Amy, as snatch thieves almost rob him. Amy is a...
Sekali Lagi
Nur Kasih The Movie is a story of how a family faces every test from God. Death of Aidil's wife had a profound impact, especially on Aidil own. He...
Nur Kasih The Movie
A mission to find aunty Lisa in Paris turns upside down when Nini and Haikal get lost in the big city.
Strawberi Karipap Sesat Kat Paris
ari Syah (AARON AZIZ) and Nurizza (NUR FAZURA) are a married couple living in urban Kuala Lumpur. On the surface, they are an item and in their...
Cinta Paling Agung is about Khairi (Aaron Aziz) and Amyza (Siti Saleha) who has been married for almost ten years and had a daughter, Hanna. However,...
Cinta Paling Agung
The film "Jelmaan" is about a tragedy that have change a happy family. Unexpectedly, the vacation that have been dreamed for a long become a...