Truth is slippery at the prestigious firm of Martín and Associates, a place where Lucía Aldarando intends to make her mark. Although...
Plaza vacante
Discover the roots of reggaeton supergroup Wisin and Yandel in this compelling tale of two men with a musical dream. Featuring a soundtrack that...
Mi Vida: La Película
Recreates aspects of the life of Abelardo Díaz Alfaro as a rural teacher in Puerto Rico during 1940's, integrating three of his stories "El...
Cuentos para despertar
Based on Enrique A. Laguerre's novel.
Cauce sin río
A scientist in the rain forest squares off against a land developer while trying to solve some unexplained deaths.
Paradise Lost
Portrays the cultural changes experienced in Puerto Rico since the 1950's until 2000, through the story of a family.
Parece que fue ayer