Set two years after the events of Ultraman Trigger, an ultra-ancient threat re-emerges, leading to the return of Ultraman Trigger and Ultraman Zett...
Ultraman Trigger: Episode Z
The origin story of Nozomu Otani, a young man who inherits the powers of Kamen Rider Chimera from his friend Ryu Mukai. This special serves as a...
Kamen Rider Revice The Movie Spin-Off: Birth of Chimera
Stage play created by Koichi Sakamoto. In the fictional town of Kabuki Town, the Blasting Girls are fighting against the Tokugawa-gumi, an evil...
Ninja Zone ~Rise Of The Kunoichi Warrior~
Contestants in "The Werewolf Game" have to kill each other to win. These contestants have experience in similar slaughter games. Ranko Takano is one...
The Werewolf Game: Lovers
Easter Nightmare is based on the Fourth game in the "Nightmare" series "The Rabbit House"
Easter Nightmare
Usagi has come to the airport to see Mamoru off as he heads to the US to study abroad, but someone shatters Mamoru's body to pieces. In shock, Usagi...
Sailor Moon - Le Mouvement Final
Sana Haitani (Kasumi Yamaya) is a member of an idol group. She's following the dreams of her now deceased older sister who always wanted to become a...
Cinderella Game
The Igarashi siblings travel to the forbidden Area 666 to rescue airjacking victims (including their parents!) from the dangerous criminal known as...
Kamen Rider Revice The Movie: Battle Familia