Amar, a naïve nurse, is divorced by his wife, leaving him homeless and penniless. Determined to win back her affections, he takes on various odd...
Godfather is a Pakistani Urdu film directed by Hriday Shetty released across theaters in Pakistan on October 14, 2007. This film has a cast including...
Godfather The Legend Continues
A detective with training in criminal psychology aids the local police's hunt for a female serial killer who seduces unfaithful husbands before...
Bombay Police are baffled when several bar girls and prostitutes are found brutally murdered by a scalpel.
Parey Hut Love (transl. Stay Away, Love) is a 2019 Pakistani romantic comedy film, directed by Asim Raza. Written by Imran Aslam, the story...
Parey Hut Love
Baaji takes the audiences on a journey filled with glamour, romance, scandal and intrigue. The film also pays a tribute to the classic social dramas...