The film's story revolves around a taxi driver and the son of a rich businessman, in which the two come in contact. The taxi driver, protective of...
TN 07 AL 4777
Karu Pazhaniyappan, who has made reasonably thought-provoking films like "Parthiban Kanavu" and "Pirivom Sandhippom", turns hero with "Mandhira...
Mandhira Punnagai
The movie tells the story of a village called Chembattunadu in Chamarajanagar District on the borders of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, which is...
Agam Puram is an Indian Tamil action film written and directed by Thirumalai, in his second venture after Thee Nagar. The long-delayed film started...
Agam Puram
Raja (Raghava Lawrence), a native of Coutrallam, is a happy-go-lucky-youngster. Tragedy strike his life when his father loses his hand when a doctor...
Rajadhi Raja
Krishnamurthy (Pradeep Rawat) is a powerful man in a small village, but it's good-hearted Hanumanthu (Srihari) who actually makes things happen. When...
Karan plays this happy go lucky guy next door who is a small time contractor for cycle stands. When not at work, he kills time with his friends...
Karuppusamy Kuththagaithaarar
An underling of a gangster decides to turn over a new leaf, but will his violent past let him do so?
Cheated by a big shot, four individuals team up to give the guy a taste of his own medicine.
English Padam
An army captain on holiday embarks on a mission to track down and destroy a terrorist gang and deactivate the sleeper cells under its command.
Pandian, the son of a cop and a wannabe rowdy, falls in love with Kadambarai, a hearing-impaired girl, who wants him to take on Killivalavan, a...
Naanum Rowdydhaan
Lovers murdered by a moneylender come back as ghosts to make him answer for his crime. Meanwhile, an evil tantric has been waiting for them for years...
A man comes to Chennai with a mission to find his brother, who had run away from his house about two decades ago. But a series of events make them...
A sought-after Supercop gets caught in a series of unexpected events when he encounters a suspect who is accused of being involved in a murder case.