While a shocking series of crimes occur in a community along the Miramichi River, the life of Betty, a waitress in her thirties, takes an unexpected...
Black Eyed Dog
A playboy learns to love, while a virgin learns to live -- a queer romantic comedy set inside the restaurant industry... 'John Apple Jack' brings...
John Apple Jack
After 31 years at-large, detectives in Wichita, Kansas hone in on the serial killer known as BTK.
The Hunt For the BTK Killer
Things appear to be looking up for a cash-strapped, regional hospital when it hires a reputedly brilliant cardiac surgeon to head up its pediatric...
Open Heart
A prequel to "Stone Cold", the story picks up after Jesse Stone is fired from the Los Angeles Police Department. He becomes an unlikely candidate...
Jesse Stone: Night Passage
When a woman learns that her father has passed away, she must confront the past (and the town) she left behind.
Daniel's Daughter
Before heading off to college, a teenager and her two friends try to seduce a married man.
These Girls