Yoko is an undercover agent who's mission is to infiltrate the underground crime world led by Misaki. In her lonely mission, Yoko eventually comes...
The secretive realm of the world's deadliest ninja warriors is thrown into chaos as one by one, ninja clan leaders are brutally assassinated! What...
Legend of the Shadowy Ninja: The Ninja Dragon
In the year 20XX, homeless women are given the opportunity to improve their station in life by competing to see who's the strongest. The winner...
Angel Fighters
A teacher sent out by Toenail Of Satan to the prestigious Sparta Academy had students receive the highest-ranked humiliation punishment in the name...
Kekko Kamen 3
A short tokusatsu movie where real life pro wrestler Mayumi Ozaki plays a bounty hunter and has to fight a monster. It's part of a series of sci-fi...
Monster Commando M