Summoned from an ashram in Tibet, Ace finds himself on a perilous journey into the jungles of Africa to find Shikaka, the missing sacred animal of...
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Sheltering beneath the streets of London, the company of a West End play find themselves isolated from their loved ones when a nearby terrorist...
Upon the Edge
In this story of a black policeman during South African apartheid, Danny Glover plays the cop, who believes he's trying to help his people, even...
Court’s girlfriend Lorna is addicted to drugs. He is desperate to get her off them, but a secret from his past threatens to drive them both...
On the Edge
In 1923 British Colonial Nigeria, Mister Johnson is an oddity -- an educated black man who doesn't really fit in with the natives or the British. He...
Mister Johnson
Katie is a free spirited independently minded 21-year-old. The film follows her as she reflects on the men in her life. Along the way we meet her...
The story of an adventurous odyssey experienced by a group of West Africans to build a new life in Germany.
A hit man who wants out of the business is targeted by old colleagues.
Kiss Kiss (Bang Bang)
Two boyhood friends end up on different sides of the law. How will each react when they meet up for the first time since school?
Bad Boy Blues
The true story of a man who posed as director Stanley Kubrick during the production of Kubrick's last film, Eyes Wide Shut, despite knowing very...
Colour Me Kubrick
Janice Beard is a dreamer who can't seem to quite make it big. She is working in an auto design company and falls for the mailboy, but he is hiding...
Janice Beard 45 WPM
Brendan is an earnest, introverted schoolteacher who, aside from his participation in the local choir, has only one passion in his life -- the...
When Brendan Met Trudy
When Adlyn, a woman preacher at a Gospel Church in London, meets and falls in love again with her old childhood sweetheart, she is forced to make an...
Hallelujah Anyhow
Morgan Leafy is a secretary to the British High Commissioner to an Africa nation. Leafy is a man that makes himself useful to his boss, the snobbish...
A Good Man in Africa
For generations, African men have gathered in barber shops to discuss the world. These are places where the banter can be barbed and the truth is...
National Theatre Live: Barber Shop Chronicles
Attempting to recover from a recent family trauma by escaping into the woods for a peaceful hiking trip, an ex-lawman and his young son stumble...
The Contract
Just days before her wedding, Beatrice-Joanna has a chance encounter with Alsemero, and realizes that she has met her one true love. To marry the man...
The Changeling